ATRS Rules Regulations
The ATR Live trail running Series runs yearly from March 1 to October 31 in Cincinnati. All participants are automatically enrolled in the series once they complete an ATR qualifying race. Qualifying races are any race events hosted by ATR and say they are part of the series. For each qualifying race, male and female, points will be awarded in each age category. Only the top three participants with the most points for each age category, male and female, will receive a series award at the end of the series. Points are awarded based on the table below. There will not be any ties.
All times are based on gun times.
Awards will be mailed out on December 1st.
Live Race Point Chart:
1st place = 20 points
2nd place = 18 points
3rd place = 16 points
4th place = 14 points
5th place = 12 points
6th place = 10 points
7th place = 8 points
8th place = 6 points
9th place = 4 points
10th place = 2 points
Participation Points = 2 points
Entry Fee will Cover:
Finisher Medal
Drinks and Snacks During/Post Races